Singapore has lost up to 73 percent of its plants and animals over the last two centuries, new data reveals. According to one of the most robust studies of tropical extinctions yet attempted, more than one- fifth of Southeast Asia's total species could follow suit by the end of the century, if land degradation continues unabated
To further conservationists' woes, prospects for the remaining species are bleak. World Conservation Union (IUCN) figures estimate that 77 percent of the island's remaining butterflies, fish, birds, mammals, and other species are threatened. Deforestation for agriculture, rapid urban development, over-hunting, and even the shelling of nature reserves during World War II are all to blame, says a letter detailing the findings in the 24 July edition of the journal Nature.
Large areas of forests are cleared by commercial logging companies. The forests provide timber that can be made into various products such as paper and furniture for sale. Mordern equipment used to log the trees also speeds up the rate at which the trees are cut. However, we have to bear in mind that uncontrolled economic development accelerates deforestation. It causes damage to the land.
The forest is also cleared for agriculture purposes. Cattle ranchers need large areas of land for the rearing of cattles. Herds of cattle are raised for beef and exported to many countries. Plantation agriculture also requires large pieces of land. As such, large areaso of forests must be cleared for this type of farming
Advantages: When more forests and trees are cleared, there are more sufficient space for the buildings for factories, buildings and flats for commercial, industrial and residential purposes.
Disadvantages: The animals would lose their natural habitat and when many animals cannot adapt to their harsh surroundings, they would die in a rising number and many more endangered animals would then be extinct. The trees and shrubs that have been aiding our oxygen supply would mostly be chopped down. More air pollution would then occur.
Clearing the forest will have an impact on many species of plants and animals when their habitats are destroyed. Deforestation also brings about soil erosion and affects the hydrologic cycle. When there is less protection cover for the soil, soil erosion and soil leaching occur. The top soil which contains the soil nutrients will gradually lose its fertility. Fewere trees also mean a decrease in evapotranspiration. This in turn will result in a decrease in rainfall. Deforestation not only depletes forest resources but also contributes to the greenhouse effect. Trees take in carbon dioxide through the process of photosynthesis and give out oxygen. With forest vegetation, the carbon dioxide produced by fossil fuels can be reduced. With fewer trees, the Earth will be warmer.
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